Exploring Citta

Jung saw consciousness as unfolding through the activation of various archetypes. It begins with emergence from the primordial Oroborus.  In this Liminal Space I have taken the view that mind-born consciousness has always been present.  We just need to move beyond the dark places of obscuration and samsara to find depth and perspective.

In traditional Chinese Medicine the heart is involved in more than just pumping blood.  It is closely associated with cognitive and emotional processes.  Imbalances occur when the heart is ungrounded.  Each of us has a channel flow of knowledge from the universe into the heart-mind complex.  Sometime channels become blocked through past trauma, which may go back generations. 

 Lots of issues can interfere with the heart-mind axis.  There can be scaring of the soul.  Traumatic events from the deep past can be carried in the body as well as the mind. According to cell biologist, Bruce Lipton:

 “The mother’s emotions, such as fear, anger, love, hope among others, can biochemically alter the genetic expression of her offspring………when stress hormones cross the placenta they cause the foetal blood vessels to be more constricted in the viscera, sending more blood to the periphery, preparing the foetus for a fight/flight behavioural response.”

Quoted in Wolynn, M.  It Didn’t Start With You.  Viking, NY 2016. P27.

There can be many sources of blockage to the heart-mind axis.  But once we are aware we can begin to repair the damage.  We can acknowledge and welcome all those past deep and often suppressed sorrows, unblock channels and open the heart to energies from above and below.  Our consciousness will radiate outward to those around us who will become entangled in our web of bodichitta.