Geoff has been on a spiritual journey for over 40 years.  He studied Jungian analytical psychology extensively along with organisational dynamics and behaviour.

He explored Mahayana Buddhism at the Beaumaris Buddhist Meditation Centre  and  the Tara Institute in Australia.  Geoff sat on the Board of the Daylesford Dharma School in 2016 and 2017 and attended  teachings by the Venerable Gyatso of the Thubten  Shedrup  Ling Monastery.   He is a student of the Vajrayana and Dzogchen traditions.

Geoff has a deep interest in what various scientific, psychological and spiritual perspectives tell us about the nature of mind, consciousness and awareness. Each has something to offer in its own way. But reliance on a singular perspective is limiting. To regain the dimension of depth we need a broad based view.

Geoff is a Board Advisor and Corporate Governance Specialist.  He works with boards on issues of structure and governance strategy.  He managed an independent remuneration and organisation practice in Australia for 25 years and worked in human resource management in the corporate sector for 20 years. 

He holds a Graduate Diploma and Master’s Degree in Organisation Behaviour.  He is a Fellow of the Australian  Institute of Human Resources and a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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Geoff Nunn

Rome, Italy, 2019