Science to Sahaja:
An Invitation to Explore.

In an age when the physical sciences, social media, complex algorithms and artificial intelligence increasingly shape every aspect of our lives, I’d like to pause and take time out to reflect on this trajectory. It seems unstoppable, but we can change course if we choose to. We can explore other possibilities, ancient traditions and inspiring philosophies. We can regain the dimension of depth which often seems absent from our frenetic world.

I’d like to invite you to join me on an extraordinary journey into understanding the nature of awareness, consciousness and the mind.

I’ll briefly explore the rise of modern physics, quantum theory and neuroscience before embarking on a deeper analysis of the mind and consciousness from the Jungian archetypal perspective. And then consider Adviata Vedanta, Dzogchen and the Vajrayana. These traditions provide a striking counterpoint to the scientific paradigm which dominates today.

All phenomena are transitional. Everything is in a constant state of flux. We each experience many liminal spaces. The emergence of consciousness, the intellect, our identity, emotions, physical states to mention just a few. The cultures we are born into, or later choose to inhabit, shape our worldview.

Our own journey into the world of spirituality is unique. No-one else’s experience is quite the same as ours. The essence of our own consciousness, for all its deep connection to others, has an individual signature stamped upon it by our endless transition. We have all we need within us right now to explore our own consciousness. All it takes is to step back, let everything go and we can experience the Infinite. Avijneyam, the Unknowable.

Geoff Nunn, January 2020 Australia


A Universal Perspective

A great deal has been written about awareness, consciousness and the nature of mind. This brief site introduction sets the scene for our explorations.


Physics and the Mind

The sciences have a profound effect on the way we define mind and consciousness. Is this domination the root cause of the unhappiness felt by many in our interconnected world of social media?

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Quantum Theory and Consciousness

The challenge for quantum physicists, and their study of consciousness, was brought home to me recently. Many seem to be struggling to find an agreed definition of consciousness.



Neuroscience also struggles with the notion of consciousness. It is considered the final frontier for brain scientists. Much energy has been expended in the laboratory trying to unravel the neural correlates of consciousness (NCC).


The Archetypal Explorer

For Jung the collective unconscious is what defines us as human beings. It is our phylogenetic history expressed as images and deep underlying patterns of behaviour.


Advaita Vedanta

Advaita Vedanta is an ancient Hindu philosophy. It sets out a path to achieve liberation (Skt. Mochksa or Moksa) in a single lifetime. It emphasises nonduality as its root belief.


Dzogchen and the Vajrayana

Dzochen literally means the Great Perfection (Skt. mahāsandhi), a path that leads to direct realisation of awakening. Vajrayana teachings emphasise the emptiness of all phenomena and see the universe as without ontological foundation.

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The six transitional states presented here are nonlinear. I have chosen to use Sanskrit to name them. The words wash over the soul like a soothing balm. Unmajana, Citta, Vigraha, Advaya, Sahaja and Ananta.

I hope you enjoy this website. It is not my intention to offer definitive answers. Rather to share some aspects of my own journey and experience. Perhaps you will find something which resonates for you.